
What is Rosacea?

Rosacea is a common skin condition that primarily affects the face. It is a chronic and inflammatory disorder characterized by redness, flushing, and visible blood vessels on the face, as well as the development of pimple-like bumps and swelling. Rosacea often appears on the central part of the face, including the cheeks, nose, forehead, and chin.

The exact cause of rosacea is not fully understood, but it is believed to involve a combination of genetic, environmental, and vascular factors. Common symptoms of rosacea include:

  • Facial redness or flushing: This is often the most prominent and persistent symptom. The redness may come and go, or it can be a constant presence.
  • Visible blood vessels: Small blood vessels near the surface of the skin (telangiectasia) may become visible and create a web-like pattern on the skin.
  • Bumps and pimples: These may resemble acne and can be pus-filled. These bumps can be sensitive and may lead to a sensation of burning or stinging.
  • Thickening of the skin: In some cases, the skin may thicken and develop a bumpy texture, especially around the nose.
  • Triggers for rosacea flare-ups can vary from person to person but often include exposure to sunlight, hot or spicy foods, alcohol, stress, and certain skincare products. There is no known cure for rosacea, but it can be managed with medical treatment, lifestyle changes, and avoiding triggers. Dermatologists may recommend topical or oral medications, laser therapy, and other treatments to help reduce redness, inflammation, and other symptoms associated with rosacea.

    Rosacea is a chronic skin condition that doesn't have a cure, but it can be managed and its symptoms can be treated effectively. Treatment typically involves a combination of lifestyle changes, skincare practices, and medications prescribed by a dermatologist.

    Here are some common approaches we use to treat rosacea:

    • Light therapy called intense pulsed light (IPL), also known as a Photofacial: This treatment can help reduce visible blood vessels and redness associated with rosacea.
    • Skin Care: Use our gentle, non-irritating medical-grade skincare products
    • Hydrafacial treatments with a customized booster serum and LED light therapy to target the inflammation and improve your rosacea